National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)
Institute of Environmental Engineering
Nanoparticle and Air Quality Laboratory (NAQL)

Lifetime Chair Prof. Chuen-Jinn Tsai 886-3-5731880
蔡春進 終身講座教授
Dr. Chuen-Jinn Tsai is Lifetime Chair Professor of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan. He graduated from National Taiwan University and received Ph. D. in 1990 in the Particle Technology Laboratory (PTL), Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota. In the last 33 years (by 2023) since he joined NYCU, he has applied aerosol technology successfully in advancing air pollution sampling, monitoring and control technologies. He won distinguished research awards from Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (formerly National Science Council) three times and was promoted as NYCU Lifetime Chair Professor. Professor Chuen-Jinn is one of the key founding members of TAAR (Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan), and AARA (Asian Aerosol Research Assembly) for which he had served as the Presidents. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editors-in-Chief and Editor for nearly 18 years for AAQR (Aerosol and Air Quality Research, since 2003. He received the 2006 International Aerosol Fellow (IAF) award from the IARA (International Aerosol Research Assembly,, 2015 Asian Aerosol Fellow and 2012 Fellow of Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (TAAR) to recognize his outstanding research, technical development, education and service contributions to aerosol science and technology. In 2018, Taiwan PM2.5 Control Association (PMCA, was founded by him and colleagues to promote air environmental monitoring and control industry in Taiwan and help Taiwan and ASEAN Countries improve air quality for better health and welfare. He currently serves as the PMCA honorary president and had been the president for two terms (2020-2024).
陽明交通大學環境工程研究所蔡春進終身講座教授於1977年畢業於台灣大學機械系,在美國明尼蘇達大學機械系的微粒實驗室完成碩士(1986年)及博士學位(1990年)。在美國求學期間,他的指導教授為知名的學者 Prof. David Pui 及 Benjamin Liu,研究的課題為氣膠的採樣及傳輸,氣體-微粒分離器,微粒的反彈及再揚起現象,微污染控制技術及氣膠微粒儀器的校正等。蔡春進教授目前為交通大學環工所終身講座教授、台灣PM2.5監測與控制產業發展協會榮譽理事長(及PM2.5與奈米微粒監測與控制產學聯盟召集人(,曾任所長、國科會環工學門召集人、台灣氣膠研究學會及亞洲氣膠學會會長、AAQR主編、编輯委員以及許多國際期刊編輯及編輯委員。
蔡教授致力PM2.5、空氣污染及奈米微粒的學術及實務研究,與國內外學術單位及儀器和設備商合作,研究PM2.5及奈米微粒的採樣及檢測方法、 PM2.5空氣品質感測器的校正方法、 PM2.5化學成份及金屬元素的自動採樣及檢測方法、污染來源解析及污染控制技術,已開發成功的產品及技術包括無微粒反彈的PM2.5慣性衝擊器分徑器,低臭氧靜電集塵控制技術,蜂巢狀高效率酸鹼洗滌技術,溼式靜電集塵技術,PM2.5酸鹼前趨氣體、水溶性離子及金屬自動連續監測器(PPWD-SDEP-IC, SDEP-AVC),煙道連續自動PM2.5監測器(PM-CEMS),奈米微粒分徑採樣技術及奈米微粒的質量測量技術等,將氣膠技術應用於空氣污染監測及控制設備的改善。獲2018年科技部未來科技突破獎,三次國科會傑出研究獎、二次科技部傑出技術移轉貢獻獎、侯金堆傑出榮譽獎、三次國家發明獎、國際氣膠會士獎、亞洲氣膠會士、台灣氣膠會士等國內外獎項及榮譽 (
Professional Employment History:
● Lifetime Chair Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, May 2023-now.
● President, PM2.5 Control Association, 2018 - 2022
● Chair Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, May 2017-May 2023.
● Coordinator, Environmental Engineering Program of National Science Council, 2011~2013
● President, Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, 2007~2009
● President, Taiwan Aerosol Research Association, 1998~2000
● Chairman, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 1996.08~1998.07
& 2006.08~2008.07
● Research Professor, Environmental Engineering Science, Washington University in St. Louis, 2002.08~2003.07
● Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 1995.08~2017.05
● Visiting Scholar, California Institute of Technology, 1999.06~1999.09
● Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 1990.08~1995.07
● Senior Engineer, China Steel Corporation, 1979.07~1984.08
台灣PM2.5監測與控制產業發展協會理事長 (2018~2022年)
亞洲氣膠研究聯盟會長 (2007~2009年)
台灣氣膠研究學會會長 (1998~2000年)
國立交通大學環境工程研究所所長(2006/8 至 2010/8)
華盛頓聖路易大學環境工程科學研究所訪問教授 (2002/8 至 2003/7)
國立交通大學環境工程研究所教授 (1995~迄今)
加州理工學院化學工程系訪問學者 (1999/6 至 1999/9)
國立交通大學環境工程研究所副教授 (1990/8 至 1995/7)
中國鋼鐵公司軋鋼二廠工程師 (1979/7至1984/8)
Awards and Honors
【International Awards】
International Aerosol Fellow Award (2006,
Asian Aerosol Fellows (2015,
【Domestic Awards】
Distinguished Research Fellow Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2022)
Research Fellow from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2018)
Distinguished Research Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2016, 2012, 2004; three times)
Distinguished Contribution Award for Technology Transfer from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2014)
National Invention Award, Silver Medal for Parallel Plate Wet Separator (2010)
Distinguished Scholar Research Project from the National Science Council (2009)
National Invention Award, Silver Medal for High-Efficiency Venturi Scrubber (2007)
National Invention Award, Silver Medal for Methods for Collecting Nanoparticles Using a Cyclone and Designing the Cyclone (2007)
Green Technology Paper Award from the Qing En Foundation (2022)
Engineering Paper Award from the Chinese Engineers Association (2022)
Academic Paper Award from the Environmental Engineering Society and the Professor Liang Wen-Jie Memorial Paper Award (2022)
Outstanding Team of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Industry-Academia Technical Alliance Cooperation Program (Industry-Academia Small Alliance) (2021)
Future Technology Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2018)
Outstanding Team of the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Industry-Academia Technical Alliance Cooperation Program (Industry-Academia Small Alliance) (2018)
Academic Engineering Medal from the Chinese Environmental Engineering Society (2017)
Distinguished Engineering Professor Award from the Chinese Engineers Association (2015)
Silver Wing Award for Excellent Contribution to Industry-Academia Technical Exchange from National Chiao Tung University (2014)
Fellow of the Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (2012)
Hou Jin-Dui Distinguished Honor Award (2010)
Silver Wing Award for Excellent Contribution to Industry-Academia Technical Exchange from National Chiao Tung University (2008)
Technology Transfer Incentive from the National Science Council for Combined Removal Systems for Semiconductor Industry Waste Gas and Particles (2008)
■ 國際氣膠會士獎(International Aerosol Fellow award) (2006年,
■ 亞洲氣膠研究學會會士(Asian Aerosol Fellows) (2015年,
■ 科技部110年度傑出特約研究員 (2022年)
■ 科技部特約研究人員 (2018年)
■ 科技部傑出研究獎 (2016, 2012, 10014,共三次)
■ 科技部傑出技術移轉貢獻奬 (2014年)
■ 國家發明獎銀牌-平板式濕式分離器 (2010年)
■ 國科會傑出學者研究計畫 (2009年)
■ 國家發明獎銀牌-高效率的文氏洗滌器 (2007年)
■ 國家發明獎銀牌-使用旋風器收集奈米微粒的方法及設計該旋風器的方法(2007年)
■ 慶恩基金會綠色科技論文獎 (2022年)
■ 中國工程師學會工程論文獎 (2022年)
■ 環工學會學術論文獎與梁文傑教授紀念論文獎 (2022年)
■ 科技部110年度科技部產學技術聯盟合作計畫(產學小聯盟)績優團隊 (2021年)
■ 科技部未來科技獎 (2018年)
■ 科技部106年度科技部產學技術聯盟合作計畫(產學小聯盟)績優團隊 (2018年)
■ 中華民國環境工程學會106年度學術類工程獎章 (2017年)
■ 中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎 (2015年)
■ 交通大學第十屆產學技術交流卓越貢獻獎銀翼獎 (2014年)
■ 台灣氣膠研究學會會士 (2012年)
■ 侯金堆傑出榮譽獎 (2010年)
■ 國立交通大學產學技術交流卓越貢獻獎銀翼獎 (2008年)
■ 國科會技術移轉獎勵-半導體工業的廢氣及微粒之聯合去除系統 (2008年)
國內外學會 :
會長 , 亞洲氣膠研究學會 (Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, AARA) (2007 to 2009)
副會長 , 亞洲氣膠研究學會 (Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, AARA) (2006 to 2007)
副會長 , 亞洲氣膠研究學會 (Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, AARA) (from 2006)
主席 , 亞洲年輕氣膠科學家獎委員會 , AARA (from 2004)
委員會主席 , 國際氣膠學會網路委員會 , (Sep. 2003 to present)
委員 , 國際氣膠學會會士獎委員會 , (from 2003)
會長 , 中華民國氣膠研究學會 , (1998-2000).
副會長 , 中華民國氣膠研究學會 , (1996-1998).
秘書長 , 中華民國氣膠研究學會 , (1994-1996).
中華民國環境工程學會空氣環境工程委員會委員 , (1998-2000)
中華民國環境工程學會理事 , (2004-2006)
會員國代表,國際氣膠研究學會 (IARA) representing CAART (since 1998)
會員國代表,亞洲氣膠研究學會 ( AARA) representing CAART (since 1998)
德國氣膠研究學會 (GaeF) 會員 (since 1990)
美國氣膠研究學會 (AAAR) 會員 (since 1987)
美國空氣與廢棄物管理學會 (AWMA) (1990 to 1995)
日本膠研究學會 (JAAST) (since 1992)
中華民國環境工程學會會員 (since 1990)
中華民國氣膠研究學會會員 (since 1992)
中華潔淨學會會員 (since 1998)
國內外會議及研討會 :
大會主席 , 6-th International Aerosol Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 9-13, 2002.
技術議程主席 , 5-th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Aug. 26-29, 2007.
共同主席 , 3 nd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 29-Sep. 1, 2007.
國際諮詢委員 , 7-th International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota , Sep. 10-15, 2006.
技術議程委員 , 2 nd International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Occupational Health, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct. 3-6, 2005.
技術議程委員 , 4-th Asian Aerosol Conference, Bombay, India, Dec. 13-16, 2005.
國際諮詢委員 , 3-rd Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, Jan. 6-9, 2004.
工作委員會委員 , Control Technology, AAAR conference, 2001-2003.
分組討論主席 , conferences of AAAR, EAC, and AAC.
主持人 , Monitoring and Control of Micro-contamination in the Clean Room, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 18-19, 1996.
主持人 , Workshop on Calibration, Testing and Operation of Micro-contamination Monitoring Instruments for Clean Room and Process Equipments, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 24-25, 1997.
主持人 , Aerosol Measurement Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug. 31-Sep. 2, 1992.
國際期刊總編輯,Sustainable Environmental Research(2016)
國際期刊主編輯,Aerosol and Air Quality Research(2017~now)
國際期刊總編輯,Quarterly Journal of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(2016)
國際期刊總編輯,Aerosol and Air Quality Research(2014~2016)
國際期刊總編輯 , Aerosol and Air Quality Research (2004 to 2011)
國際期刊編輯委員 , Journal of Aerosol Science (2003 to 2006).
編輯委員 , Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (1993 to present)
編輯委員 , Quarterly Journal of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (1993 to 2002)
審查委員 , Aerosol Science and Technology, Journal of Aerosol Science, Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Science and Technology, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Journal of Aerosol Science, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Separation Science and Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Water Air and Soil Pollution.
國際及國內邀請演講 :
2020, Planning Committee, 9th Nano Conference
2020, Organizing Committee, 12nd 2021 Asian Aerosol Conference
2019, Organizing Committee, 2019 Asian Aerosol Conference
2019, Keynote speaker, 2019 Cross-Strait Workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology
2018, plenary speaker, International Aerosol Conference, IAC2018
2018, International Advisory member, 10th International Aerosol Conference
2018, International Advisory Board, 2018 Asian Aerosol Conference
2017, plenary speaker, Asian Aerosol Conference, AAC2017
2017, plenary speaker, The 13th National Conference for Aerosol Science and Technology
2017, International Advisory Committee, Asian Aerosol Conference 2017
2017, Local Advisory Committee, The 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium
2017, Technical Program Committee, 2017 T&T IAC International Aerosol Conference
2017, International Advisory Committee, 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health
2016, plenary speaker, 9th International Conference on Advances in Metrology (AdMet-2016)
2016, keynote speaker, 12th World Filtration Congress
2015, conference organizer, International Advisory Committee, 7th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH2015)
2015, invited keynote speaker, 7th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH2015)
2015, conference organizer, International Scientific Program Committee member, International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies (SENN 2015)
2015, plenary speaker, 2015年海峽兩岸職業衛生學術交流會
2014, International Advisory Committee member, 2014 Aerosol Technology Conference
2014, International Scientific Programme Committee member, International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies
2014, International Advisory Committee member, International Aerosol Conference
2014, invited keynote speaker, The 7-th World Congress on Particle Technology
2014, invited keynote speaker, International Aerosol Conference
2011, invited speaker, Characterization of Environmental and Workplace Nanoparticles, National Physical Laboratory, Feb. 17, 2011, New Dehli, India.
2011, invited speaker, Characterization of Nanomaterials in Workplaces and Development of an Active Personal Nanoparticle Sampler, Annual Forum for Nanotechnology Workshop, March 16-19, 2011, Berlin, Germany
2011, International Planning Committee, 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology--Occupational and Environmental Health, Aug. 09-12, 2011, Boston, USA.
2010, invited speaker, Exposure Measurement of Nanoparticles, Annual Conference of Chinese Environmental Analytical Society, April 30-May 1, 2010, Taichung, Taiwan.
2010, invited speaker, Measurement of Nanoparticle Exposure at Different Workplaces,, EPICOH-MEDICHEM 2010 April 20-25, Taipei, Taiwan.2010, Scientific Program Committee, 2010 International Innovation and Invention Conference, Sep. 26-29, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
2010, invited speaker, Taiwan’s Efforts to Ensure Sustainability and Responsible Development of Nanotechnology, invited talk in “Long-term Impacts and Future Opportunities for nanotechnology”, US-Japan-Korea-Taiwan Workshop, WTEC Nano2 Workshop, Tsukuba International Congress Center, July 26-27, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan.
2010, International Advisory Committee, 2010 8-th International Aerosol Conference, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010, Helsinki, Finland.
2010, 第七屆亞洲氣膠研討會技術委員會共同主席, 7-th Asian Aerosol Conference, Aug. 20-25, 2011, X'ian, China.
2010, International Advisory Committee, 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology--Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH), Aug. 9-12, 2011, Boston, USA.
2010, International Scientific Programme Committee member, International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies in Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 31-Nov 2, 2012.
2009, plenary speaker on “Chemical Mass Closure and Characteristics of Ambient Aerosol Particles”, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2009), Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 24-27, 2009.2009, plenary speaker on “Environmental nanoparticles at different sampling locations in Taiwan”, International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, Chaoyang Univ. of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, Sep. 25-26, 2009.
2009, invited speaker on “Environmental Nanoparticles and Fine particles in a Highway Tunnel and at a Roadside”, 7th UNU & GIST Joint Programme Symposium, GIST, Gwangju, the Republic of Korea, Nov. 4-6, 2009.
2009, invited speaker on ”Chemical Mass Closure and Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Ambient Aerosol Particles”, Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (KSEE), Kimdaejung Convention Center, Gwangju, the Republic of Korea, Nov. 5, 2009.
2009, Panelist, International collaboration forum on “Nanotechnology to serve human health”, 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology--Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH2009), Aug. 26-29, 2009, Helsinki, Finland.
2009, International Advisory Committee, 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology--Occupational and Environmental Health (NanOEH2009), Aug. 26-29, 2009, Helsinki, Finland.
2009, International Advisory Committee, 18th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Aug. 10-14, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
2009, International Advisory Committee, 4th International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion, and Atmospheric Phenomena (NEPCAP 2009), Oct. 5-9, 2009, Sochi (Dagomys), Russia.
2009, International Advisory Committee, Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC2009), Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 24-27, 2009.
2008,受邀大會專題演講,“環境奈米微粒的特性研究”, 2008年中國顆粒學會第六屆學術年會, 12月8-11日,上海,民國97年。
2007, 第五屆亞洲氣膠研討會技術委員主席, 5-th Asian Aerosol Conference, Aug. 26-29, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2007, 共同會議主席Co-Chair (with Prof. Maw-Kuen Wu), 3rd International symposium on Nanotechnology and Occupational and Environmental Health, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 29-Sep. 1.
2006,第七屆國際氣膠研討會技術委員會, 7-th International Aerosol Conference, Sep. 10-15, 2006, St. Paul, USA.
2005, 第四屆亞洲氣膠研討會技術委員會, 4-th Asian Aerosol Conference, Dec. 13-16, Mumbia, India.
2003, Nov., seminar speaker, 「Influence of Relative Humidity on the Readings of PM 10 Beta-gauge Montiors」, Environmental Engineering Science, University of Missouri at St. Louis , St. Louis , USA .
2003, Oct., invited speaker, 「Field Study of Design Parameters of Pulse-jet Baghouse」, Filtration Consortium, Particle Technology Laboratory, University of Minnesota , Minneaspolis , USA .
2002, 第六屆國際氣膠研討會會議主席, 6-th International Aerosol Conference, Sep. 8-13, Taipei.
2000, June, plenary speaker, 「Development of Acidic Aerosol Denuder Sampling System」, 6-th Cross-Strait Environmental Protection Conference, Wu-Han , China .
1999, Sep., invited speaker, 「Recent advances in pulse-jet baghouse design」, Al Gore, Boston , USA .
國際合作 :
2004-2006, joint research project and exchange visit on 「Pressure drop and particle removal efficiency of the axial flow cyclone for nanoparticle removal in vacuum condition」, with Prof. Leon Gradon, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Polish-Taiwanese Joint Research Project.
2005-2007, joint project entitled 「A new combustion method to generate nano-TiO2 nanoparticles with high photocatalytic activity,」 with Dr. Andrei Onischuk, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Russian Academy of Science.
國內政府及研究機構的服務 :
核能研究所環境與能源科技中心技術諮詢委員 ( 民國 91 至 96 年 )
工業技術研究院污染防制中心顧問 ( 民國 86)
工業安全衛生技術發展中心顧問 ( 民國 87 至 89 年 )
化工所顧問 ( 民國 90 年 )
紡織產業研究所顧問 ( 民國 94 年 )
行政院勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所作業測定技術委員會委員 ( 民國 86 至 91 年 )
環保署檢驗所檢測機構現場評鑑專家 ( 民國 84 至 96 年 )
新竹縣環保局環境影響評估委員會委員 ( 民國 84 至 90 年 )
國科會環工學門複審委員 ( 民國 90 至 92 年 )
國科會永續會空氣污染防制科技合作研究計畫 複審委員 ( 民國 92 至 95 年 )
環保署空污基金委員會委員 ( 民國 90 至 92 年 )
環保署空污基金諮詢委員會委員 ( 民國 90 至 92 年 )
新竹縣巿環境保護局固定空氣污染源設置、 變更及操作許可審查小組委員 ( 民國 84 至 88 年 )