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 ■  Dr. Manuel Alonso and Dr. Francisco Alguacil, CENIM-CSIC, Marid, Spain (Nov. 22-30, 2008)

      Invited talks: "Electrical Charging of Aerosol Nanoparticles" and "Technological Alternatives in the Treatment of Liquid Effluents"

 ■  Dr. Lucie Dz(umbova', Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Oct. 2-31, 2008)

 ■  Prof. Jiri Smolik, visiting professor, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Oct. 9-16,     

      2008) Invited talk: "Indoor Aerosol Behavior"

 ■  Dr. Meng-Dawn Cheng, visitor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (Sep. 2008)

 ■  Dr. Vladimir V. Karasev, visiting scientists, Institute of Chem. Kinetics and Comb., Russian Academy of Sci. (June 2007)

 ■  Mr. Saurabh K. Jain, junior undergraduate, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol., Kanpur, India (May to July 2007)

 ■  Dr. Andrei A. Onischuk, visiting scientists, Institute of Chem. Kinetics and Comb., Russian Academy of Sci. (Dec. 2005)

 ■  Dr. Rafal Przekop, visiting scientist, Dept. of Chemical and Process Eng., Warsaw Univ. of Technology (June 2005 to Aug. 2005)

 ■  Prof. Jiri Smolik, visiting professor, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (June 2000)

 ■  Prof. Wladyslaw W. Szymanski, visiting professor, Institute of Experimental Physics, Univ. of Vienna (June 1999 to Sep. 1999)

 ■  Prof. Benjamin Y. H. Liu, visiting professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Univ. of Minnesota (June 1998)

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